About Dr Rosie

dr rosie murphy paediatrician

Dr Rosie Murphy is a paediatrician who trained at The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, where she was Chief Resident for a year.

Her current clinical work is entirely within the public sphere. She enjoys the variety of her work, including being present at births and caring for children and adolescents with disabilities, Type 1 diabetes and mental health issues. She fosters close working relationships with parents and other care providers.

She has a keen interest in education and a dynamic, interactive public speaking style. She is available to speak to educators and community health providers on a variety of paediatric topics.

Available to Speak to

maternal and child health nurse playgroup education

Community Health Groups

Maternal and Child Health Nurses

early childhood education kindergarten teacher

Early Childhood Educators

Child care educators
Kindergarten educators


Primary schools
Secondary schools
Special schools


Developmental disorders - recognising, raising concerns and referring

This presentation is broken into three parts:
1. Recognising developmental disorders - understanding how developmental, sensory and behavioural disorders (e.g. autism, ADHD, dyspraxia) present at different ages, and signs that care givers can watch for to help recognise a child with a differing developmental trajectory
2. Raising concerns - role played and demonstrated discussions around how to raise potential concerns with parents
3. Referring - an overview of referral requirements and pathways to achieve this in your local area.

Medications in ADHD and ASD

An overview of the common (and some less common) medications prescribed to children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disoder and similar developmental conditions., including the likely effects and side effects that would be observed in the classroom.

Eating disorders

Anorexia and bulimia are complex, challenging conditions. This presentation explains how and why eating disorders develop, including early signs to look out for. It considers why eating disorders are dangerous, and how to monitor their severity. It then discusses current strategies for treating eating disorders, including pathways for referral into local services, and gives an overview of long term outcomes, into the adult years.

Ex-premature infants

Children born prematurely are at higher risk of many conditions and require closer follow-up in a number of areas. This presentation considers which areas need closer monitoring, why, what to look for, and when and where to refer.

Intellectual disability and learning disorders

Many children are now diagnosed with either a global intellectual disability or a specific learning disorder. Effectively catering for these children in the classroom is challenging. This presentation gives an overview of ID and the common specific learning disorders from a medical perspective. It then, using interactive strategies, looks at how these disorders impact learning and the lived experience within the classroom, and workshops how to cater for these differences.

Understanding the NDIS

The NDIS is a relatively new, evolving, complex system that can be challenging to negotiate. This presentation gives an overview of the aims and structure of the NDIS, and then provides some practical tips on applying for funding and requesting suitable services.

Mental health issues and pathways to care

Anxiety and Depression are common conditions, which have a significant impact on learning and the school environment. This presentation overviews these conditions, discusses common presentations in your environment (e.g. children, adolescents or adolescents with disabilities), highlights key risks to consider and then discusses pathways for referral to appropriate services.

Type 1 Diabetes

Living with diabetes has always been challenging, but the complexity of this has increased with the introduction of continuous glucose monitoring and the recommendation for more intensive insulin regimens.
This presentation gives an overview of diabetes, including understanding the interaction between food, activity, insulin and blood sugars. It looks at blood sugar control and why we care, and then unpacks continuous glucose monitoring, insulin pumps and insulin regimens. It explores managing camps and active excursions and as well as mental health risks. This presentation can be focused according to local needs.

Cerebral Palsy

An interactive presentation which takes an in-depth look at cerebral palsy. It considers definitions, types, causes, early detection, associated conditions, effect on learning, management goals and outcomes.


This presentation, adjusted to the age cared for by the audience, looks at the whys and hows of helping babies, children and/or teenagers have a better night's sleep. 

Understanding and managing psychosomatic symptoms

Functional Neurological Disorders are increasingly more common and are complex to manage. This talk considers neurological and psychological factors that contribute to the development of these psychosomatic symptoms, including pain and impairment, and gives strategies on how to helpfully respond to them.

Poor growth

There are many causes of poor growth in infants and children, ranging in severity from "normal variant" to life-threatening. This presentation overviews causes of poor growth across the three main domains (weight, length and head circumference), discusses common and critical causes and notes when and where to refer.


The development and maintenance of continence in children is of great importance to the adults around them, but is not always easily achieved. This presentation discusses the normal pathways to continence, and reasons why children vary off these. It dispels myths around "naughty" or "lazy" behaviour leading to accidents, instead giving a medical explanation to these behaviours. It looks at strategies that schools, kindergartens and child care settings can use to help promote healthy continence in the children attending their service.


Other topics can be arranged after discussion. Please submit an enquiry below or via email.


"Dr Rosie is a gifted presenter with the ability to share information with broad ranging audiences. She is a responsive, interactive, knowledgeable speaker, who presents up to date information in an accessible and user friendly format. Our school team thoroughly enjoy undertaking professional learning with Dr Rosie and regularly request these sessions."
School Principal

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